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If you want to improve your naturally beautiful smile, dental veneers are a good option. Veneers are thin coverings that are designed to cover the front visible part of your teeth to improve your appearance. Veneers are strong and long-lasting. However, you can get the most out of them if you treat them well. The longevity of dental veneers Veneers often last between seven and 15 years. After this period, the dental veneers need to be replaced. A person
Prestige Family Dentistry And Kidzone Dental
A smile makeover, also known as a full-mouth restoration, is a combination of cosmetic dentistry and restorative dental procedures. It repairs and improves the appearance of the teeth, allowing the patient to smile more confidently. Important questions about a smile makeover Before getting a smile makeover, the patient should consult with the dentist to discuss any concerns about their teeth and the goal the smile makeover is trying to achieve. The dentist can then come up with a customized
Prestige Family Dentistry And Kidzone Dental
Porcelain veneers are made from a very thin piece of medical-grade porcelain that is attached to the surface of your teeth to help revitalize your smile. Apart from improving a person’s teeth’s aesthetics, porcelain veneers also provide resilience and strength to their natural teeth. Dentists use veneers to help fix a number of cosmetic dental issues, including teeth whitening and gaps. Veneers are custom-made to ensure they meet the exact needs of the patient. Veneers are
Dental Care Tips from an Emergency Dentist
Wondering how important an emergency dentist is when you are experiencing a dental emergency? They can mean the difference between you losing a tooth and saving a tooth. A dentist who decides to offer their patients emergency dental services is a dentist who understands the importance of immediate dental care. It will simply depend on the type of dental emergency at hand when it comes to making an appointment with an emergency dentist. Some dental emergencies can wait
Do I Have Sleep Apnea
Do I Have Sleep Apnea Houston, TX If you feel as though you have no energy and are too tired to keep up with your friends and family, you should visit our dental office to talk about sleep apnea. This may be what is causing your issues, and simple non-invasive treatment may be just what you need to feel like yourself again. To schedule an appointment with our dental office, call 713-465-8239. We will be